Friday, April 27, 2018

April 27, 2018


Throughout the month of April, Annie Wright is reflecting on the IB Learner Profile attribute "Balanced."
We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives - intellectual, physical, and emotional - to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognized our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. 
In Middle School Chapel this week, the Paço/Flores Advisory led us in an extended reflection on how to maintain balance, especially when experiencing stress. The Advisory sent out a survey to MS students last week about the experience of stress, and the results were very interesting. For any Middle School-aged student, one of the biggest challenges to establishing and maintaining balance is juggling expectations. Students receive myriad messages about what they ought to or must do, from chores and rules at home to homework and responsibilities at school, and even to following through with activities and commitments outside of school.

  • How many extracurricular activities are you involved in? 
    • 0: 8%
    • 1-2: 54%
    • 3-4: 23%
    • 4+: 15%
  • About how much time do you spend on homework each weeknight?
    • 0 hours: 0%
    • <1 hour: 20%
    • 1-2 hours: 55%
    • 2+ hours: 25%
  • About how much time do you spend on homework each weekend?
    • 0: 4%
    • <1 hour: 20%
    • 1-2 hours: 41%
    • 2+ hours: 35%
  • About how much time do you spend relaxing on a weeknight?
    • 0 hours: 8%
    • <1 hour: 51%
    • 1-2 hours: 18%
    • 2+ hours: 23%
  • About how much sleep do you get each weeknight?
    • <6 hours: 10%
    • 6 hours: 23%
    • 7-8 hours: 46%
    • 8+ hours: 21%
  • About how many days a week do you feel well rested?
    • 0 days: 27%
    • 1-2 days: 38%
    • 2-3 days: 16%
    • 3+ days: 19%
  • About how many days a week do you feel stressed or anxious regarding school?
    • 0 days: 8%
    • 1-2 days: 27%
    • 2-3 days: 19%
    • 3+ days: 46%
While unscientific - this survey was intended to get a general sense of students' experience of stress - responses to this survey will continue to inform our approach to support students. While we continue these efforts and conversations at school, consider opening a conversation at home with your student about impactful ways to manage stress, from regularly unplugging from devices, ensuring an appropriate amount of sleep at night, and not over-booking one's schedule. Students are always welcome to share their ideas about ways to manage stress or to seek support from their teachers, Advisors, or our Middle School Counselor, Mrs. Dicks.