Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13, 2018

Year-End Activities

As we move closer to the end of the year, please see the information below about year-end activities. Some of these event descriptions include time and location - check back here or on the school's Master Calendar in May for up-to-date information.


Now in our fourth year, the Journeys take our students to the far corners of the world (well, of North America, at least!) to give students a chance to apply what they've learned in new contexts and to develop a global outlook. Grade 6 travels to northern California, Grade 7 to the Southwest, and Grade 8 to Costa Rica. 

All Schools Orchestra Concert

The All Schools Orchestra Concert includes performances by student ensembles in all four Divisions. Join us for the concert on Wednesday, May 16 at 7:00pm in the Kemper Theater. Contact Mr. Stuart Hake with any questions. 

Middle School Spring Dance

The MS Spring Dance (Student Council's third and final dance of the year) is on Friday, May 18 at 7:00pm in the Kemper Gym. This is the first dance that welcomes members of Grade 6. Permission forms will be available in the MS Office the week leading up to the dance. Students may bring up to 10 guests (who are also in Grades 6-8) from other schools. Contact Ms. Clare Wagstaff with any questions.

MS Spring Athletics Awards

Spring Athletes and Teams will be celebrated at the Spring Athletics Awards on Thursday, May 31 at 2:15pm in the Kemper Gym. The occasion will include honoring MVP, Most Improved, and Gatorship Awards designees and a chance for all students to have a little fun. Contact Mr. Mike Finch with any questions. 

May Day

May Day is an all-school event that carries on one of the longest Annie Wright traditions. Most of the May Day festivities focus on the graduating Grade 12 class and connect to Graduation and Reunion activities, but on Friday, June 1 at 1:30, the May Day Ceremony for the whole community, which includes a speech from the MS Student Body President, begins!

Grade 7: Milk Boats Regatta

One of the longest-standing traditions in the Middle School is our annual Milk Boats Regatta! Over the course of several months, Grade 7 students work in teams to design, test, and build seaworthy vessels from repurposed materials (including a lot of milk cartons!). Each team prepares a short presentation about their process (and usually including a few light-hearted jabs at their competition) before the actual race, and lunch is provided. All of Middle School attends the regatta, and parents of Grade 7 are encouraged to join! This year, the Milk Boats Regatta is on Friday, June 8 on American Lake (Lakewood). Contact Mr. Kyle Price with any questions.

Grade 6: Design Exhibition

On Monday, June 11, student teams in Grade 6 will demonstrate the Rube Goldberg Machines they built, the result of an interdisciplinary unit in Math, Science, and Design. Grade 6 parents are encouraged to stop by to see the machines at work! Contact Ms. Clare Wagstaff with any questions.

Grade 8: Retreat

Monday, June 11 is designated as a Retreat day for students in Grade 8. Students and their Advisors will spend most of the day off campus for a loosely structured series of activities to reflect on their time together and individually throughout Middle School and to turn their heads toward Upper School. Contact Ms. Clare Wagstaff with any questions. 

Honoring our Eighth Grade

On Tuesday, June 12, we will have two special occasions to honor our Eighth Grade. 

The Eighth Grade Chapel is a formal celebration of the class as they conclude their time together in Middle School. The Chapel will include a chance for students to honor each other, and families of Grade 8 students are encouraged to join! This year, the Eighth Grade Chapel will be on Tuesday, June 12 at 9:00am in the Raynor Chapel. Contact Ms. Clare Wagstaff with any questions. 

Immediately following their special Chapel, students in Grade 8 will exhibit their Oral History Projects, the result of an interdisciplinary project in Language & Literature and Individuals & Societies. The exhibition will include a chance to visit and learn about a variety of subjects profiled and historical events studied, to hear from a handful of students, and to meet some of the people interviewed. Families of Grade 8 students and people interviewed for the OHP are welcome to attend! The Oral History Project Exhibition will be on Tuesday, June 12 from 10:30am-12:00pm. Contact Ms. Shelli Strate, Mr. Kyle Price, or Ms. Jennifer McConnell with any questions. 

Open Mic

The Middle School's Open Mic performance will begin at 1:00pm on Tuesday, June 12 in the Kemper Theater. Open Mic is a unique forum that features many of our student performers in a variety of media - music, dance, name it! Open Mic includes performances from our MS Band, which brings the house down every year! All MS Parents are welcome to join! Contact Ms. Liz Gettel with any questions. 

MS Closing Ceremony

The Middle School Closing Ceremony provides a formal conclusion to the academic year. The occasion includes the distribution of our annual Scholarship, Strength to Strength, Good Person, and Scholarship Awards to students in each Grade, and Humanities, Arts, Math & Science, and Teachers Awards to students in Grade 8. All MS Families are welcome to join for the Closing Ceremony, and students are dismissed for the summer immediately following the Closing Ceremony. The Closing Ceremony will begin at 10:00am on Wednesday, June 13 in the Raynor Chapel. Contact Mr. Bill Hulseman with any questions.