Friday, January 26, 2018

January 26, 2018

Parent Education: Substance Abuse Prevention

On Monday, February 5, we will welcome back substance abuse prevention specialist from FDC Prevention Works. The specialist will speak to students during the day, and all parents are invited and encouraged to attend a special session at 7:00pm in the Great Hall. To register for the event, click here.

What we are learning...

Mr. John Hunt, Individuals & Societies, Math, and Design Teacher
What is your favorite color? Blue. 
What is your favorite book? To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
What is your favorite movie? "The Empire Strikes Back"...pure drama.
If I hadn't been a teacher, I probably would've been... a famous travel writing, concert reviewing, food critic
Who is your favorite musical artist? Wilco, hands down!
If you could travel anywhere in space and time, where and when would you like to visit? Nepal, to see Mount Everest.
Where were you born? Michigan
Any interesting trivia about you? I have met two former US Presidents.
Where did you attend Middle School? Ring Lardner Junior High.
Who was your favorite or most influential teacher? Tie between Mrs. Eckelshymer, my 8th Grade English teacher, and Mr. Szakas, my 10th Grade Western Civilizations teacher. (And of course I follow the wisdom taught by John Rockne.)

In Individuals and Society, the students are about to wrap up the first chapter on Ancient Greece in their books. We have examined the different types of government Greece has had and ended with an overview of two of the strongest two Greek city-state Sparta and Athens. Along the way we talked about the Trojan War and watched a Lego retelling of the tale, participated in sophist debates and discussed the importance of  the Greeks concept of Democracy and how it has shaped our system of government. The presentations this week were great. I always enjoy letting the class become the teachers, I learned much from them. Our first major content test will take place in a week or so. Please make sure your children are reviewing their notes periodically. From here the pace will start to pick up a bit so we can get through information in the book more rapidly as we delve in Ancient Rome. They are a great group, with lots of insightful ideas and always with a plethora of questions.