In this post...
- MS Orchestra Performance in Chapel
- Twas the week before Winter Break...
- MYP: Language Philosophy Policy
- MS/US Lessons & Carols
- MS Holiday Tea
- Homework over break
- First Semester Final Assessments.
- Uniform Reminders
- Transcript Requests
- Athletics
- What We Are Learning...highlights from Individuals & Societies and PHE Programs
- Things To Do in our Community
MS Orchestra Performance in Chapel
In this week's MS Chapel, we were treated to three pieces performed by the MS Orchestra. Enjoy! Click on the titles to see and hear them play.
- "Yee Haw" by Jeremy Woolstenhulme
- "The Boogie-Man Blues" by Carrie Lane Gruselle Solo violin: Ela Escobar, Vivienne Carr, Ella Salam, Maya Robinson; Solo cello:Mia Escobar, Sasha Zhang
- "Cello Squadron" by Richard Meyer
'Twas the week before Winter Break...
This year, we are trying something a little different for the weeks between Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks. While in the past, we have spread traditions through the month, we have put all special programming into the week before Winter Break, making the coming week one that is acutely focused on the traditions and the relationships that shape our community. While these celebrations are rooted in the Christmas, reflecting our Episcopalian heritage and identity, each provides us a special opportunity to build community and come to know each other in a different light. The variations in the uniform next week heighten our attention to these special events.- Tuesday’s MS/US Lessons & Carols: All Parents are invited to join for our annual Lessons & Carols service at 5:00pm in the Raynor Chapel. Lessons & Carols is a traditional liturgy that tells the Christmas story through text and through song. The current iteration is a model that was developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but it has its roots in long liturgies known as vigils that go back centuries. The length of the service (some vigils go for hours!) and the integration of a variety of texts and songs build anticipation. Our service lasts only about an hour and is followed by a reception for adults in the Great Hall. Students will also have a reception in the Small Gym.
- Wednesday’s MS Holiday Celebration during our mid-morning activities block is a much more casual and festive atmosphere that includes basking in the glow of our MS tree, decorated with student-made ornaments, and singing some favorite carols.
- Thursday’s MS Holiday Tea is a cherished tradition for the Middle School community. Following the model of a formal high tea, the event includes performances by MS students. While the event is for MS Students and Faculty only, we’ll be sure to share photos of the event on Vidigami.
- Friday’s Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day: The Day School welcomes grandparents and special friends of students for the program. While the Lower School program includes LS Lessons & Carols and classroom visits, the Middle School program begins with a special performance for guests in the Great Hall followed by the Middle School Expo, in which students share about the process, progress, and products of various projects in the program. The schedule is designed so that guests visiting both Lower and Middle School can participate in both programs. Students will be dismissed at noon (there is no lunch service on Friday).
MYP: Language Learning Policy
When the Upper School pursued authorization for the IB Diploma Programme, AWS articulated a school-wide Language Philosophy Policy which captured both the scope and the aims of our Language Acquisition program. Rooted in our mission’s emphasis on preparing “responsible citizens for a global society,” the policy expresses our deep commitment to promoting literacy and language acquisition for all students. Usually, school policy language is pretty dry, but this one particular nugget of wisdom that deserves highlighting. The policy shares the belief that language “empowers students to understand, interpret and respond to ideas, attitudes and feelings, as well as solve problems, think critically, act creatively and expand worldviews.” For us, language and communication are primary, not only to cognitive learning but also to social interaction and building relationships and communities. We invite you to read the policy and consider how language learning, both mother tongue and acquired languages, serves your student, our community, and our world. Visit the blog for a brief reflection on our Language Policy.
First Semester Final Assessments
First Semester Finals are scheduled for January 18-20. In Middle School, final assessments are designed to give students the experience of preparing for and taking a longer cumulative test. We will have special schedules on those days - the day will begin and end at the usual times (8:00am and 3:10pm) and will include time for Art, PHE, Design, and Athletics. In preparation for final assessments, we ask for your help to ensure that students are prepared but not stressed or overly stretched by the experience of finals. Some starting points:- Please don’t schedule off-campus appointments on January 18, 19 & 20.
- Ensure that your student is sleeping and eating well in the days leading up to finals.
- Keep the temperature low - don’t put any more pressure on a student’s performance during finals than you would on any other assessment.
- Remind your student that finals are about good preparation and demonstrating mastery and growth.
Upcoming Uniform & Civvies Days
- Tuesday, December 13: Dress Uniform (Lessons & Carols)
- Wednesday, December 14: Civvies Day (MS Holiday Celebration)
- Thursday, December 15: Dress Uniform(MS Holiday Tea)
- Friday, December 16: Dress Uniform (Grandparents' & Special Friends' Day), Noon Dismissal
Please remember that Dress Uniform includes black dress shoes, a black belt for students wearing khakis, black tights for students wearing the uniform skirt, the AWS sweater vest, and a uniform tie.
Homework over the Break
Please note that over the breaks, we encourage students to really take a break! While many students plan to use time during breaks to catch up on work or to get ahead on projects, we encourage students to focus on their families, on being well, and to close their laptops.
8th Grade: High School Applications and Transcript Requests
Just a gentle reminder: If your student’s application will require any components from Annie Wright, such as a transcript or letters of recommendation from teachers, please notify and deliver any relevant materials, such as forms or templates, to Alicia Mathurin, Middle School Office Coordinator. Please provide any forms that need to be completed at least three weeks ahead of the submission deadline. Teachers’ recommendations, transcripts, and other requested materials will be collated and mailed directly from Annie Wright to the schools unless specifically requested to be picked up. If information or recommendations are to be completed online, please ensure that recommenders receive that link at least three weeks ahead of the submission deadline. For more information about local schools' processes, please refer to the High School Application Process that was emailed out at the beginning of the school year.What we are learning...
This week, we highlight our Individuals & Societies and PHE programs!In 6th Grade Individuals and Society the students are nearing the end of our unit on Ancient Greece. We examined the different types of government Greece has had and discussed the importance the Greek democracy had on the development of government in the United State. Along the way we talked about the Trojan War, daily life, the Spartans and even took time to have some Sophist debates. They are currently working on a visual presentation that comes with our SOI, “The cause of progressive change remains”. Please note that the first major unit test will take place after the break during finals week. It will include all of the sections covered in the book as well as a map and essay question. The best way to support your student is to make sure they are reviewing their notes periodically. It will help them feel more comfortable with the material, and afford them opportunities to ask questions in class about material that they still may be unsure of prior to the test.
In 7th Grade Individuals and Societies we’ve started the Civil War unit, which has the following statement of inquiry: Change is hard. That’s a very transferable idea. Students are building content knowledge currently by reading some chapters and taking notes. Also, students will receive the next outside reading assignment next week. It’s not due until March, but some students like to read over the breaks. This time, the books have to do with our third unit, World War. Several of the books might require a little conversation at home, depending on which title the students select.
In 8th Grade Individuals and Societies, the students finished their first unit along with their first major project. They also completed two minor projects for the Daughters of the American Revolution essay contest and the Who Are We? Contest sponsored by Washington Secretary of State’s Office. We are currently studying the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in depth and will start our next unit on the Civil War/States Rights/Reconstruction when we return to class in January.
In the social-emotional side of Physical and Health Education, we have been exploring stress- the common causes, signs and symptoms, side effects and positive coping strategies to manage stress. In our next round of classes in January, we will be looking at ways to be a good and helpful friend, particularly when a friend might be experiencing a high level of stress or other negative emotion and expressing hopelessness or despair. Look for more information to come home on the researched-based curriculum being used to guide these discussions. In the physical part of PHE, we have started to explore the Skill Related Fitness Components. Agility, Balance, Power, Speed, Reaction Time, and coordination. We completed a series of stations that test our skills in these areas. Skill related fitness is essential to successful in athletics and activities.
Things To Do in our Community...
- The Christmas Revels: A Welsh celebration of the winter solstice with traditional music, dance, and drama. Performances on December 17, 18, 20, and 21 at the Rialto Theater in Tacoma. This year's production includes Annie Wright students!
- Looking for ways to explore Tacoma and Seattle? Stay up to date with the events calendar on The Tacoma Weekly and Visit Seattle.